Monday, May 13, 2013

Advantages AND Disadvantages OF WordPress

There are everything having advantages and disadvantages. Like this there are some advantages of wordPress are:

WordPress is free of cost software and available anywhere on the internet; because it is free it provides many jobless peoples job at their home or even at some office. WordPress also increase the chance to get the better opportunities for the workers who have the ability to run the software.  Designers who know to work on PSD easily work on wordPress and work on PSD to wordPress is going to be very easy if you know the main functions and steps. Themes creator also got a chance to enhance their power by making many more themes and increase in their ability. There are many wordPress a developer usually uses the ready themes for making websites and blogs, and also save their time. This is another advantage o wordPress many workers doing work in wordPress advancement so there is no burden on one shoulder and the work should be divided in to categories. It is very good for the developers who know how to convert PSD to wordPress because sometime it is demanded by the user to create something other or add some extra things to their themes and is a developer knows how to work on PSD it is not very hard to work on it. If a person knows how to work on wordPress then he or she builds many application websites and blogs. After that if there are new comers are warmly welcome by wordPress because there are so much tutorials available at free of cost. Many websites and blogs are available to help them and train them according to the use.

There are also some disadvantages or drawback of wordPress:
As wordPress is free software and it is not very difficult to handle, anybody can use it and reach it, it create more demand in market. More the users more the demand and it create frustration in the market. There is also another disadvantage a 2D and 3D designer has to cover the wordPress section also or else he or she will not get worked means they have also expertise on wordPress because a user want to get a theme designed by a designer he or she also wants to update it on wordPress if a designer do not know how to work on it is very difficult to complete the job. Before creating wordPress themes a designer also has to know how to use wordPress to add the picture on it. Even for a wordPress developer it is very difficult to design a theme and convert PSD theme to WordPress Theme.
These are the some consequences which are affecting wordPress.

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